Thursday, October 9, 2014

Storify Offers Real-Time Features

For those of you who don’t know what Storify is, it is a website allowing you to put your social media content into story form. If you view my blog post about live tweeting the homecoming parade it will give you a better understanding of what Storify is as I used it to organize my tweets from the event. However, Storify is now offering Storify Enterprise that  focuses on real-time collaboration.
“Real-Time Marketing & PR” by David Meerman Scott points out real-time PR is all about speed and agility. In Chapter 2 Scott outlines how the use of social media is allowing upstart media news services like TMZ to get the breaking news out first. He says, “As media tied to rigid cycles decline—morning papers, evening newscasts, and weekly news magazines—real-time media grow audiences and profits.”

An article released by Storify about its new real-time collaborative offering notes feedback from users, like these upstart media outlets referenced by Scott, indicated a need to edit, fact check and adds stories together. Storify listened to its users and now people can enter, add and edit a story simultaneously.

The real-time features include: enhanced auto save, real-time cursor tracking and edit histories feature, undo/redo support, anchor-linked headers and story settings and timestamps. Media news journalists and reporters will be among those who will benefit the most from this new aspect of Storify because now they can work together with other news reporters to get the facts on a story as they happen. Storify's new real-time features are just another example of how keeping up with what his happening now is important.

1 comment:

  1. You give a very good summary of the chapter. In addition, I think something that aids TMZ in the "twitter sphere" is that they are willing to print pretty much anything. Tabloids aren't usually regarded as the most trustworthy sources, but if they can put their information out as fast and readily available (speed and agility, as Scott mentions) as possible, then they will attract more and more attention and therefore more and more followers, growing their business.
