Sunday, November 16, 2014

Alumni Happenings: A Movie

Due to the rise of citizenship journalism, everyone in my social media class had to create a video using iMovie. My video topic was alumni happening. For my video I contacted several of Northern's PR alumni and asked them to send me videos describing their "real world" jobs and how their time at Northern prepared them for their work today.


Thanks to the help of Katie Hozan, Candace Kaiser and Lauren Stahl, I was able to put together this video about what some of ONU's talented alumni are up to these days. Hopefully one day I can help out an ONU PR student as Katie, Candice and Lauren helped me.

This was the first time I have ever used iMovie or created my own video so the experience was challenging and time consuming. However, as a video rookie, I am fairly pleased with how the movie turned out. Please feel free to take a few minutes to hear about what great things ONU PR majors go on to do after graduation.


  1. Lauren,
    Your video looks great! I loved the intro using the fast forward effect. It is nice to see the ONU community helping each other out even after graduation. After being in just one class in this department, it is apparent that you all have grown into a family.

  2. Lauren, it is so good to see familiar faces in this video. I appreciate the stories they shared and how well they are portrayed. The background music is very fitting to the video as well. Great job!
