Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sabra Tour Gives Away Gallons

You may have seen or heard about the Sabra hummus given away on campus. Yesterday Sabra, perhaps the most recognized brand of hummus, made a stop at ONU to give away free hummus as part of its 2014 Sabra Tour. 

According to Twitter, Sabra is making its way across the nation handing out free samples of hummus everywhere it goes to encourage people to “dip life to the fullest.” Part of the tour includes stops at college campuses and ONU was on the list. 

For those of you who missed it, Sabra had a refrigerated food cart set up outside of McIntosh. Everyone who walked by was offered a free sample of hummus. If you had Twitter you were asked to follow @SabraTour2014 and then retweet a status generated by Sabra about its visit to ONU. If you showed your retweet to the Sabra representatives you received a free GALLON of hummus to take home. 

As someone who likes hummus, free stuff and social media campaigns I naturally took them up on the offer. I retweeted the status as instructed and was handed a GALLON of free hummus, no strings attached. Talk about a cool PR campaign. Sabra did a lot of things right with this tour.

First, Sabra keyed in on the idea that college students love free stuff, especially free food. Sabra also knows many college students are active Twitter users. That being said, the folks at Sabra probably also knew college students tend to be lazy so they made getting free hummus as easy as pressing the retweet button. 

Next, Sabra had ONU students do the publicity for the event by having each person interested a gallon of hummus retweet a status. Sabra successfully leveraged its early adopters, brand advocates and social media users on campus to get the word out through Twitter.

Finally, Sabra used the wow factor by giving away GALLONS of hummus to create chatter about its brand. I mean, who gives away GALLON sized containers of hummus; Sabra does. A giveaway of that size is guaranteed to get people talking. Even if you don’t like hummus you might be inclined to tell your friends about it simply because of the proportions of the giveaway. 

If you didn’t get free hummus yesterday, I am sorry for your loss. However, if you get a craving you can stop by my apartment because I am now the owner of more hummus than I will ever be able to consume by myself. Thanks Sabra!

1 comment:

  1. I SO WISH I NEW ABOUT THIS FREE HUMMUS! I really should have checked twitter yesterday... Sabra definitely has a good campaign going here. They used free samples and social media to promote the brand, and apparently it worked! I mean what college kid would not want a free gallon of hummus?!
