Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ONU in Every Season

Campus last year during a record cold winter.

If there is one thing I have noticed after four years at ONU it’s that campus is beautiful in every season. The fresh snow we received this week was a reminder of the beauty of campus despite the chill of Mother Nature. Some people may be complaining about the snow; however, there is something special about walking through campus covered in a blanket of white flakes, and I’m not talking about the slipping and sliding part.

Green grass and sunshine on the tundra in summer.

I love walking through campus and seeing everything that was once green in the spring and red or orange in the fall now covered with snow in the winter. There is something about seeing the landscape I pass every single day turned into a winter wonderland that feels like an inherent part of being a student at ONU. You couldn’t possible say you had the full ONU experience until you have walked across campus in so many warm layers you become unidentifiable.
Orange and red leaves in the fall.

 Even though I think the snowy landscape is part of the identity of ONU, it can’t be overlooked that campus looks gorgeous in every season. Just as the trees look beautiful covered in snow, they also look beautiful in the fall when they turn every shade of red and orange.

In the spring and summer, the green of the grass and the trees on the tundra is almost blinding. After a long cold winter there is nothing as refreshing as walking across campus with the sun on your face.

The grass slowly coming back to life the spring.

Even if you are not a fan of the cold and the snow, at least take time to enjoy how dreamy it makes campus look. Know that drudging through the snow is part of being a polar bear, and reflect on the colors of campus in the fall while looking forward to sunshine in the spring.


  1. These are awesome pictures! Did you take them yourself? I absolutely hate winter and everything about it, but I have to admit that our campus does look pretty dreaming during these big snow storms! If only it weren't so cold outside...

  2. Lauren,
    This is perfect and I think it is great you have documented all the seasons! I may sometimes despise ONU, but at the end of the day when I walk around campus it reminds how lucky I am to be in such a great and beautiful place. Even though I absolutely hate the winter, I should accept it is being part of a polar bear, just as you said!

  3. Lauren, I really appreciate this blog post. When the snow came to Ada this past week, I was not very happy about it. This post reminds me why I love ONU so much. I love the school so much because of how beautiful it is an can be in every single season. Thank you for showing me a little bit of good amongst the bad.
