Monday, November 3, 2014

Getting to Know the Blogger: Trivia About Me

I recently saw where someone else in the blogosphere made a list of 10 things people might not know about her. I thought it was interesting and a great idea for a blog post so I am going to steal the idea and give you a list of 10 things you probably don’t know about me. Enjoy!

1. My favorite kind of music is what some people might refer to as hipster, folksy or alternative. I am a huge fan of Mumford & Sons, The Lumineers and Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, just to name a few. However, I am always up for dancing to a catchy pop song, and I have been known to dance in the grocery store if there is a good tune playing. No shame.

2. When I go out to eat I usually order some kind of sandwich or chicken tenders. I’m not a big fan of fancy food, and I never order pasta or fish. However, if breakfast is an option on the menu then you can bet I will order some variation of pancakes and coffee. I am a complete sucker for breakfast food at restaurants!

3. I hate running. I think running is a form of torture and undeniable the most miserable form of exercise. My ideal workout is taking a Zumba class or playing “Just Dance” on the Xbox.

4. I can quote the majority of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” starring Jim Carrey. My siblings and I LOVE this movie and we still laugh when we watch it even though we have seen it more times than I can count.

5. I have a weird thing about earwax. I like having very clean ears, and I probably use more Q-tips than most people.

6. I failed my driving test the first time. However, whereas most people fail the maneuverability part, I failed the driving part. My examiner said I was speeding and my driving made her nauseous. As you can imagine I bawled my eyes out and was extremely ashamed at the time.

7. I only have one wisdom tooth, which means I don’t have to have mine pulled like the rest of the human population. I think God knew I wouldn’t handle the surgery very well and I am very thankful for his mercy!

8. My favorite kind of cake is red velvet. I’m not sure what it is about red velvet cake but I have always loved it. Pair it with some cream cheese or buttercream frosting and I’m sold.

9. I have been as far west as Colorado…road trip style.

10. If I had a genie to grant me three selfish wishes they would be to dance on stage with the Radio City Rockettes, see “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” live in New York and have pumpkin spice lattes year-round. 

So there you have it. I hope you learned something new about me, and I hope by disclosing this information you don’t think I’m a complete freak now. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like this is such a "Lauren" post. These are all so creative, I'm definitely going to steal your idea. Also, my grandma makes thheeee best red velvet cake in the entire world and we all have the recipe and no in my family can make it the way she does. Needless to say, grandma's red veldt cake is my favorite cake!
